RTIG will from time to time make formal submissions response to public consultations.
If you are aware of a consultation that you believe RTIG should be making a response to, please get in touch.
Document Number | Response Date | Title |
RTIG-c126 | Managing the impact of street works – RTIG Inform | |
RTIG-c125 | Digital Controller Interface Specification | |
RTIG-c124 | Mobility as a Service: code of practice | |
RTIG-c123 | Local Bus Service Registration Review Stakeholder Survey | |
RTIG-c116 | Response to the DfT Bus Open Data Implementation Guidance Review | |
RTIG-c110 | Response to the DfT consultation on Bus Services Act 2017: accessible information | |
RTIG-c111 | Response to the DfT consultation on Bus Services Act 2017: bus open data | |
RTIG-c109 | Submission to Transport Select Committee inquiry into the draft Bus Services Bill | |
RTIG-c107-mc | Solicited view on the management of bus-related base data for DfT | |
RTIG-cXXX | Response to DfT/DCMS consultation on "Improving Mobile Communications to UK Rail Passengers" |